Diary After Death by Franklin Loehr Availability: Usually ships within 1-2 business days 2 used & new from $3.95 Edition: Paperback See more product details -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Details Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.25 x 8.00 x 5.25 Publisher: Religious Research Press; Reprint edition (June 1992) ISBN: 0915151049 Average Customer Review: Based on 3 reviews. Write a review. Amazon.com Sales Rank: 496,162 (Publishers and authors: improve your sales) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editorial Reviews About the Author Dr. Franklin Loehr received a B.A.in Science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology) 1933 at Monmouth College, Illinois. Feeling the call to the ministry, he returned to college and received his M.Div.at McCormick (Presbyterian) Seminary, 1936, Chicago, Illinois, serving as a chaplain during WWII. In 1952 he left his established position as a Congregation minister to found Religious Research. He spent the remainder of his life researching, writing and speaking on the death experience, prayer, and the nature and purpose of the soul. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in 1977 and made his transition in 1988. Book Description Written as a novel, actually it is the result of years of research and of psychic development. The story is about a happily married couple reunited after death. It is a beautiful description of what may be experienced shortly after a person's transition from life in a human body to life in a spiritual body. Everything seems nearly the same at first. Then changes come gradually, guided by a special teacher. This book is full of comfort and understanding for a person facing death, or for those whose loved ones have died. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reviewer: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/cm/member-reviews/-/A1VA2I63CK09BU/1/ref=cm_cr_auth/104-6146704-5835925 from Salt Lake City, Utah USA I liked this book, It explained some things that I have yet to read about in other Life after death books. The journey that you are taken on is a interesting one that keeps your attention and really makes you think. Not as good as other Books on this topic but does deserve to be included with them. Does contain more of a explanation on religion than most do. I would suggest it to anyone interested in Life after death. very comforting when I was faced with my mothers death., May 6, 1999 Reviewer: A reader My cousin gave me a copy of this book to read when my mother was very ill and dying of breast cancer. It was a book that should be shared with people who are going through a terrible illness or have experienced a death of a loved one. I was comforted, reassured, reassured that I would once again meet with my mother, my friend, my confidant, to know that she hears me is a wonderful feeling. Conditions of Use | Privacy Notice © 1996-2004, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates